
The Racehorse

(Freeze frame from The Man With The Movie Camera, 1929, Dziga Vertov)

The racehorse hammers his hooves assuredly against the battered earth of the track. Countless mechanisms keep time with the rhythm of the horse's stride, harmonizing in one, sinuous, and fluid motion. And almost audible, in the pooled shadows of our distant unconscious, is the sound of a throbbing inhalation; air sucked greedily through foamy bit, scrapes through teeth and tongue, before settling in a boiling sigh in the depths of the horse's throat. Unexpectedly, he slows. The powerful limbs ease into a motionless pause, and the horse becomes an artifact, suspended in space and time, impatiently awaiting our analysis. Poised with such potent intensity and discipline, each muscle a trembling bow hovering above the taut string of a violin, held fast, awaiting the signal. Discomfort stirs in the corners of our surrendered state. We will the illusion to continue, we will the racehorse to complete his stride, we wish to give ourselves once again to the comforting embrace of the mirage; but something refuses us entry, and still the racehorse remains caught. His freedom, and our re-admittance to the imaginary constructs of this silvery reflection, orchestrated according to the will of an unknown conductor.

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